
Quality Over Quantity: Rethinking Email Marketing Strategies

Michelle Hayes Uhlfelder, CEO & Founder of Cherrytop, debunks the myth that bigger email lists are better in her new article. With a focus on quality over quantity, she offers practical advice on refining email lists, such as embracing unsubscribes as a curation tool and the importance of A/B testing. The piece highlights the value of a smaller, engaged audience and presents strategies like leveraging Google's account purge and implementing abandoned cart emails for more effective email marketing.

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Michelle Uhlfelder Michelle Uhlfelder

Personalization in Marketing: The Shutterfly Snafu & How We Can Learn from It

Exploring Personalization in Marketing: When executed precisely, personalization can transform user experiences, but as Shutterfly's 2014 snafu highlights, the stakes are high if predictions miss the mark. Dive into Michelle Hayes Uhlfelder's insightful analysis on how to navigate the nuanced realm of personalized marketing, avoid pitfalls, and ultimately forge genuine connections in the digital age. From understanding your audience to the significance of rigorous checks, it's a must-read for marketers aiming to master the delicate balance.

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